I finally was able to edit all the pictures that we officially have now, thanks to my sister for taking them for us! Here is our complete band Aerial and the Boys!Here are a couple shots from our Photoshoot! I give you (from the first picture starting left to right): Austin Lee {Pianist, Guitarist, Percussionist, AnythingInstrumentist}, Aerial Melvin {ME!:) Singer/Songwriter, occasional guitarist}, Drew Melvin {My Hubby! Guitarist}, and Stephen Whitfield {Percussionist}.

Well that's about it! I love my boys and they are such great guys and really support me and I can't thank them enough for that. Stay tuned for more on Aerial and the Boys! But in the meantime you can find us on:
Instagram: @aerialandtheboys3
And FaceBook and ReverbNation!
And more! Or just google us.. that might be easier.... :)!
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