Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Is Marriage Worth It?

Yes. I am sure that is the answer that you were looking for and now may be quite relieved. But don't stop reading just yet.

Marriage is more that just worth it. It is hard work, it is humbling, it is an adventure, and a experience all at one time. But marriage isn't for you. Marriage is for God. To glorify, honor, and portray Him in the most beautiful light. Is your marriage doing that? If you aren't married yet, are you prepared for your marriage to do that? You aren't just marrying this person to have and to hold till death do you part, no, no, no my friends, it is much, much more.

Are you happy in your marriage? Is it going smoothly, few bumps here and there? Or is it almost too much to bear? What happened to the person you married? Why didn't anyone warn you, that you might fall out of love? But now ask yourself, are you happy with your relationship with Jesus? Because your relationship with Jesus is WAY more important than your marriage. Shocking right? We don't "deserve" a happy marriage. We "deserve" God's punishment cracked down upon our heads, but instead receive grace, forgiveness, and unconditional love. God will never leave, nor forsake you. Are you doing the same for Him? Are you giving Him your all first?

We are selfish creatures. We want the perfect relationship. We become consumed with this other person. We have to show it on social media, otherwise people wouldn't even know! We set aside time for this person, and most of the time put this person at a level right under God because we care about them THAT much. God's still first so that's okay, right?

We want the perfect wedding. The perfect dress for the perfect day, marrying the perfect person, minus or less a few faults of their own(But of course we ourselves don't have any).

We want the perfect marriage. To be the cutest couple, to make the cutest babies, have the perfect jobs, perfect home. To never fight, disagree, or dare I say, get upset. To read books, or attend classes to fix what needs fixing. But what we don't realize, the fixing comes within ourselves. Who wants to have the perfect relationship with Jesus Christ? I do! Do you know that in Heaven there is no married couples? We, as God's people are married to Him, "For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven." -Matt. 22:30.

Do not be discouraged, for God created marriage for here on this Earth for a reason. To draw you closer to Him, to learn, to grow more Christ-like. God does not mean to hurt our feelings that you cannot be with your spouse anymore, but when we are in heaven everything will be different and pure. For the Lord says, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him." - 1 Cor. 2:9. If you are having a hard time dealing with this concept, pray to The Lord, for you need Him right now to fix your heart and your eyes upon Him. He has a plan and a purpose for everything, and though we don't know the reasons now, we will in eternity. You should rejoice, for He has your best interest at heart.

Now reflect on yourself. Are you a true disciple? A devout follower of Jesus Christ? Do you love The Lord with "all your heart, with all your souls, and with all of your mind?" -Matt. 22:37. Even more than your parents, your children, your spouse? Jesus says, "Whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me". -Matt. 10:37. "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brother and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple". -Luke 14:26.

This my dear friends, is why marriage is about God, not about you. So drop all of your preconceived notions about marriage and seek God. Flee from your sins and selfish ways and set time everyday for the bible and prayer. Pray to be a good disciple, a fisherman of men. Pray to be a good spouse, changing yourself to be more Christ-like instead of praying for God to change the other person.

Focus all of your needs on The Lord. Your spouse cannot meet them and you, yourself, cannot even meet them! Only God can, and will, if you look to Him before looking to your spouse to meet your needs.

I must warn you: It is so easy to get caught in the day to day routine of life. You must remain steadfast in keeping your focus on God. Everyday refresh your memory and go to The Lord for the renewing of your mind and spirit. Focus to be more Christ-like everyday. This will greatly help your relationship with God, and affect you in other areas of your life like being a husband or wife, daughter or son, mother or father. I tell you this, because it is literally a matter of life and death. You have one life to live, and one chance to get to heaven.

Marriage should bring you closer to The Lord, closer to your spouse. It is such a  beautiful adventure to prepare one another for Judgement hour and even more beautiful to give yourself, and your marriage, to God. Think selfless. Think more Christ-like. I am not saying it will be easy, but I am saying that marriage is worth it!

By: Mildred
Inspired by the book "You and Me Forever," by Francis and Lisa Chan.

[A picture of my husband and I from our wedding day, June 2013]

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