Thursday, June 12, 2014

INFJ Personality and Quirky Introductions!

Well Hey!

Since this is my FIRST Blog I figured I would introduce myself! I am Aerial Melvin, married since I was 18 years old to my best friend, earning my Bachelor's Degree by 20, and a singer/songwriter looking for the right opportunity all in God's timing! Hence the "Aerial and the Boys" Blog Page(which I will introduce my boys/band soon) I have an amazing family and have been called an old soul in a young body(alot)<3 Every time I take a Personality Test I always come up as a INFJ. And so for that I will begin my Blog today!!!


To start off, I don't believe everyone is defined into specific categories. I believe we are all "Divergent" in the way that God created us. However, I believe people have similar personalities but maybe not the same tendencies. 


 Since I personally believe I have an INFJ Personality I think INFJers are very intuative. I am able to predict situations and recieve positive or negative vibes from people. Up to this point I haven't proved myself wrong about someone, however I try not to judge;) 

Just know in my world nothing makes sense. You are always in a fight with yourself between what might seem right and what actually is right. Everything you do is hypocritical such as you can be very organized or very spontaneous. Either way, embrace yourself and all your "perfect imperfections"(John Legend shoutout);)

For those INFJers out there just know you have a unique and rare personality and should embrace yourself instead of let others control how you view yourself. If you're anything like me, you don't know how people take you or see you as and quite frankly you probably will never know. But remember Dr. Suess' quote: Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter.


Aerial Melvin

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